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This Tawny fortified wine from Victoria is aged in oak barrels for an average of 6 years. The Tawny hues at the rim with a core of brick red with bouquet warm liquored berry fruits with an underlying sweet toffee toast tastes clean soft strawberry and cherry flavours with a hint of rancio oak finishing satisfyingly rich and warm on the palate .

茶色波特酒是一种源自维多利亚斯旺希尔、使用 成排酒桶法装入橡木桶酿制平均有6年的加强葡 萄酒。
这款酒边缘呈茶色,中心呈砖红色。带着暖暖的 液态浆果香,夹杂着甜甜的太妃土司味道。干净 柔和的草莓与樱桃混合味,蕴含着陈年橡木的余 香,满足味蕾,回味无尽。

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